
Spirit Riding Free: New Dreamworks Show on Netflix - Macaroni Review

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By Kara Ault, Macaroni Kid Fayetteville Publisher May 5, 2017

Macaroni Kid Fayetteville was chosen to host a preview party for a new Dreamworks show, Spirit Riding Free, that premiers on Netflix on May 5th. Last Friday, we hosted a preview party at Prairie Grove Town Center with other Macaroni Kid families to watch the first two episodes.

I was excited to preview this show because I've always loved horses and the show revolves around a 12 year old girl, Lucky, and her wild mustang horse. Once everyone arrived at the party, we snacked on "horse trail mix", "hay bales"( rice krispie treats), carrots and enjoyed a popcorn bar. All the kids and parents then took a seat with their snacks to settle in and enjoy the first two episodes of Spirit Riding Free. Dreamworks also sent some really cute bandanas and bags for the kids which were given out as prizes at the party, and a poster for each family.

DreamWorks Spirit Riding Free follows Lucky, a 12-year-old girl who has moved with her father and her aunt to the country so her father can supervise the building of a railroad. A former city girl, Lucky is worried about making friends and fitting in with the other children. From the train, she spots a wild mustang horse and makes eye contact with it, which is the beginning of a friendship between the girl & the wild horse she names Spirit.  Together with her two new friends, Pru and Abigail, and their horses, they experience many adventures and discover what it truly means to be free. 

A coming of age series, inspired by DreamWorks’ Oscar-nominated film Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Spirit Riding Free brings to life three smart, empowered, and relatable main characters, Lucky, Pru and Abigail. From major events like flash floods and blizzards, trainer robbers and banditos, treasure hunts and secret sleepovers, executive producer Aury Wallington (“Sex in the City,” “Veronica Mars” and “Heroes”) has created a world filled strong characters who defy stereotypes and mirror positive images of young viewers on screen.

The show was very entertaining for kids and adults. The kids, whether 5 or 12, enjoyed it and it really kept their attention.  It is fun and adventurous but also touches on important life lessons about wanting to fit in, figuring out who you are and admitting to your mistakes. At the end of the party, I asked the kids if they would like to see the next episode and they all answered with a resounding "yes!". Parents really loved it too and also commented on how they look forward to seeing the other episodes of this great, new show with family values. 
Check out the trailer for the show below and be sure to tune in to Netflix to watch the season. 

*I received compensation for my review of this show. All opinions and statements are my own.