
How to Support Local Teachers and School Staff During the Pandemic

Suggestions from Teachers

By Kara Ault, Macaroni Kid Fayetteville Publisher January 3, 2021

Teachers are working extra hard this school year because of the pandemic. Many of them must use their break to teach virtual students, and they are often spending their own money to purchase supplies needed to sanitize desks and provide other needed items.I asked on our Facebook page for teachers to give us suggestions of how we as parents and the community can support them. These are the most mentioned suggestions:

* Extra boxes of disposable masks, including child-sized masks for elementary. Some kids don’t have them or forget to bring them and this way, teachers can supply them

* Lysol/Clorox type disinfecting wipes (One mom mentioned she sends a package of these per month to her child’s teacher.)

*Bottled water. With water fountains closed off, students are usually encouraged to bring a water bottle. When kids forget, teachers are often purchasing bottled water to give to them. Extra cases are always helpful.

*Hand sanitizer

*Encouraging notes. A couple of teachers mentioned that during this difficult time it is hard to be the kind of teachers they want to be, with all the extreme social distancing, masks and more. Many of them are feeling emotionally exhausted and depleted and one kind note can make all the difference, and doesn’t cost you a thing!

*Clear face shields for the staff who teach phonics and reading

*Basic school supplies to replenish: crayons, Expo markers, glue sticks, etc. (Hint: Teachers LOVE the Flair pens!)

*Paper towels and tissues like Kleenex. The school provides them but they go through them very quickly.

*Caffeine. Ideas for this would be a coffee shop or Sonic gift card, donating canned sodas for the teacher’s lounge

 *Individually packaged snacks for staff

* Prayers. Many of the teachers and aides requested prayers for strength and health for themselves and their students right now.

Kids aren’t in school yet or you don’t have kids? You can still help. Check out teacher wish lists on this DonorsChoose website. You can easily sort by location, least amount needed, nearly funded, etc. All teacher wish lists on this site are verified and it’s an easy way to support local educators virtually.