
Join us in Going Green this Spring Break at the Scott Family Amazeum

Camps, activities, and more to ensure your vacation is full of hands-on fun and creativity

By Sponsored by The Amazeum February 27, 2023

Spring break at the Scott Family Amazeum? Oh yes- spring break is one of the most popular times to visit the Amazeum, and for good reason. Our team goes all out creating camps, activities, themes, and more to ensure both parents and kids of all ages enjoy the school-free week!

The team at the Amazeum focuses on engaging hands-on activities that are STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) focused to spark creativity and exciting learning moments. This year we are upcycling- making creations from found materials and learning how to repurpose things in interesting and unique ways! From March 13-27, 2023, we will be exploring the wonders of recycling using everyday materials. Starting in our 3M Tinkering Hub, guests will be able to create “fused plastic” using pieces of plastic from bags, packages, and more and use real tools to melt them down to create “P’larn” (plastic yarn). From there, P’larn is woven through webbing and PVC pipes to create structures using connectors. Your child will create their own plastic palaces and hide-aways using their imagination (and a little melting magic) while practicing critical thinking skills and working together to find solutions to their creative problems.

In addition to this programming, register your child for our Spring Break Camp “Repurpose It!” during the week of March 20-24, 2023, from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. This camp is for ages 6-11, registration fees are $265 for Amazeum members and $310 for nonmembers. Join our team in going green by reimagining, repurposing, and reinventing trash into art! Amazeum camps are designed with learning by creating, doing, and exploring together in mind. Elevate your child’s Spring Break experience with an Amazeum camp where they will create and explore with friends and learn new creative abilities.

The Amazeum works to make many of our learning experiences green, and we share this message not only through our daily pop-up activities but by theming many of our programs and tinkering experiences using recycled materials.