
Business Directory Listing

By Kara Ault, Macaroni Kid Fayetteville & Rogers-Bentonville Publisher October 3, 2018

Macaroni Kid readers look to the Business Directory to find the local businesses their family needs. Going above and beyond that, listing your business in the Macaroni Kid Business Directory plays an important role in your website's SEO. The more you list your business online, the more search engines use this data to rank your website. 


  • Up to 3 images (minimum of 1) can be included with your listing. 1 image must be your logo, which will be used as the thumbnail for your listing (required). 
  • We are currently accepting submissions for all manner of family-related businesses, e.g. preschools, daycare centers, children's skill classes, restaurants, home-based businesses/independent consultants, family photographers, etc. Surprise us!
  • Businesses must be located in the Macaroni Kid Fayetteville and Macaroni Kid Rogers-Bentonville territories to be listed in our Business Directory.

Business Directory Listing Includes:

  • Your Business name and logo listed on the site
  • Both a short and a long description giving readers details of what you offer.
  • Links to your social media pages and website
  • A place for customer reviews (up to 3, if you provide them)
  • Lists your business address and provides a link to Google Maps

Featured Business Directory

  • The Featured Business is an upgraded version of the Business Directory Listing
  • Your logo and business description will rotate at the top of the Business Directory Page of the Macaroni Kid website, giving your business top billing on this page. 
  • Limited Space Available: Only 3 spots available at this time.


  • $99 to list your business in the Macaroni Kid Business Directory for 12 months.
  • $150 to list your business as a Featured Business in the Directory for 12 months. 

Macaroni Kid Macaroni Kid Fayetteville and Macaroni Kid Rogers-Bentonville strive to fit most advertising budgets. Contact Kara Ault at for additional pricing and package options.

Quick Links to Macaroni Kid Fayetteville and Macaroni Kid Rogers-Bentonville Advertising Opportunities
View the Macaroni Kid Media and Advertising Options here


Macaroni Kid strives to fit most advertising budgets. We'd love the opportunity to build the perfect fit for you and your business goals. Reach out to me today and let's get started! Contact Kara at or call me at 479-459-4461.